Our Services

Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC)

AAC includes all forms of communication (other than oral speech) that are used to express thoughts, needs, wants, and ideas. People with severe speech or language problems rely on AAC to supplement existing speech or replace speech that is not functional. Special augmentative aids, such as picture and symbol communication boards and electronic devices, are available to help people express themselves. This may increase social interaction, school performance, and feelings of self-worth. AAC users should not stop using speech if they are able to do so. AAC aids and devices are used to enhance their communication (ASHA, 2014).

AAC is appropriate for adults and children with severe speech delays. Other common diagnoses include autism, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, apraxia, traumatic brain injury (TBI), aphasia, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Huntington's disease, and other genetic disorders. Our therapists are skilled at formal testing to identify your loved one's difficulties and strengths through a communication evaluation to determine if AAC may help your loved one communicate more effectively.

Benefits of AAC include improved speech production, improved language skills, improved social interactions, decreased frustration, increased literacy skills, and increased self-esteem.

Let us teach you a new way to communicate, because you can! Take the next step and reach out or call.

Because You Can Start Your Journey

Congratulations on taking the first step! Our friendly admin team will reach back out to you within 24-36 hours.